Mac Address For Suprema Bio Reader

Keeping your call center/help desk employees informed is essential in today’s fast-paced workplace. Most call centers are plagued by predicaments like network outages, telecom problems, application errors, and personnel issues on a daily basis, and technicians need constant updates on issues affecting their clients.

3.6 Suprema Biomini fingerprint readers; 4 Development. 4.1 How to run the Java FP SDK 2009 applet on Ubuntu Linux? 4.2 How do I compile the library for Java 64 bits on Windows? The license is related with the mac address of the machine, that is one license per PC.

How do you keep your operators in the know about current problems? You may have a large marker board on which valuable information is written or a corkboard with sheets of paper pinned to it, or perhaps you just shout out notices across the room. The SYMON NB-24x200 NetBrite Display provides a better, high-tech alternative to these approaches, in spite of its hefty price tag.
Technical specifications and software
The NB-24x200 board features a 24x200 LED array; its dimensions are 64.2 x 10 x 5.4 inches, and it weighs a little over 32 pounds. The board consists of 4,800 tri-colored LEDs, a network interface card, and a sound card. It is controlled via SYMON Firmware, which is stored on the board, and SYMON2000 software loaded on a server and client PCs. Our unit arrived in December 1999 with SYMON Firmware 1.0 and SYMON2000 5.0.

Suprema Bio Reader

For the help desk where I work, the SYMON NB-24x200 NetBrite appeared to be a good option. Because it’s over five feet long, with bright, tri-colored LEDs, this board is highly visible and flexible enough to display multiple messages simultaneously. The unit can be configured with different zones, each able to display a series of messages. I decided on three zones, each eight LEDs high and spanning the board’s entire length. With this arrangement and the system’s five-point font, I can easily display 40 characters across the board (including spaces).

Suprema Fingerprint Reader

SYMON software

Suprema Bio Readers

The SYMON2000 software package consists of several parts—the most essential ones are SYMON2000 Server, SYMON2000 Administrator, and SYMON Says. SYMON2000 Server runs on a Windows NT server and manages communications between the software clients and output devices. SYMON2000 Administrator can be installed on either a Windows 95 or NT workstation and provides configuration functions for maintaining the display. SYMON Says is the client component that lets you create, send, and manage messages. The software is easy to install and use, with an approximate one-hour learning curve. Everything is menu driven and should be intuitive for most Windows 95/98/NT users.
Installation and setupAddress
The board comes ready to install out of the box and can be mounted in a variety of locations. We hung the board from the ceiling above our work area, but it could be mounted on a wall or anything capable of supporting 33 pounds. The sign connects directly to a standard R45 Ethernet port and 220v power outlet. Once the sign is up and running, SYMON’s Firmware can be installed from any network PC. The NetBrite device is located on the network via its MAC address, and a static IP address is assigned during installation.
The whole process went smoothly. Hanging the board took about one hour, and the software installation/network setup took two. By this time, I was excited and ready to see my name in lights.
What does all this great technology cost? The NetBrite Display itself will set you back about $5,400, and the software and licensing for one server and two clients costs another $2,800. Throw in a final $1,000 for one year of maintenance, and you get a grand total of approximately $9,200. This makes the NB-24x200 a fairly costly piece of equipment for most businesses.
The bottom line
Does your company need a product like the SYMON NB-24x200 NetBrite Display? It’s highly visible, it’s packed with technology, and it’s easy to install. But is being able to see your messages in lights really worth $9,200?

Mac Address For Suprema Bio Reader

Our employees like it, I’ll admit. But before the SYMON board, our help desk used (and still uses) a large dry-erase board for displaying important information. When someone needed to announce something, they just yelled out the problem and wrote it on the board. This approach was neither flashy nor sophisticated, but it was practical and didn’t cost as much as four new PCs. For more information on the NB-24x200 and SYMON’s other notification solutions, check out SYMON’s home page.

Suprema Bio

Bill Detwiler is a technical support services associate for a utility company and recently passed his Networking Essentials exam. His specialties are network administration, tech support, and programming. To comment on this article, please post a comment below or follow this link to write to Bill.

Active1 year, 6 months ago

I am working on an attendance system in PHP, attendance will be recorded with fingerprint device (SUPEREMA). how I will integrate auto attendance through scanning device, any help will be highly appreciated.

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2 Answers

Mac Address For Suprema Bio Readers

It looks like the SUPEREMA system does have a SDK

However it doesn't integrate with PHP. The only way I can see of doing it would be to write a Visual Studio app that captured and updated to the database, or one with an embedded html browser that it could then send the captured data to.


Suprema includes now a Web Agent API with its SDK.

The Web Agent they provide is a Windows-based application that acts like a mini-web-server on the client side on a specific port. e.g., https://localhost:5151.

When a client visits your web application and they have the Web Agent up and running, you can do a cross-origin AJAX request with the help of Javascript to https://localhost:5151/scan that would return a base64 encoded image of the fingerprint.

Basically what they have done is to bridge the web browser to the internals of the client's computer.

Shafiq al-ShaarShafiq al-Shaar

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