How To Enable Reader Mode In Chrome For Mac

In October of last year I wrote about a way to view Web pages in Chrome for Android without any of the distracting ads or other page elements. This feature, called Reader Mode, presents only the elements within the body of the story, so you can stay focused on the text and pertinent images.

  1. Chrome also has this feature but it’s still in test process. That’s why it’s not available in settings just like other options. But you can still enable this feature using advanced settings. How to Enable Reader mode in Chrome for Android. Reader mode option is not directly available in Chrome for Android.
  2. Search for reader.parse-on-load.enabled; Double-click the parameter to set it to true and enable Reader Mode. Google Chrome on the desktop too ships with a reader mode and it too is not enabled by default. It is rather complicated to enable it as you need to start Chrome with a new parameter to do so.

Now this feature can now be enabled on the desktop version of Chrome for Windows, according to SlashGear, but it carries a new name: Distill mode. Here's how to use it on your desktop:

So, without further ado, here’s how you can enable Reader Mode in Chrome on Android: 1. Open Chrome on your Android smartphone or tablet and type “chrome://flags” in the address/search bar and hit enter.

Step 1: Locate your shortcut for opening Chrome, whether it's on your taskbar, desktop or within the Start menu. Right-click it and open the Properties settings.

Step 2: Next to 'Target' you will see the file path for the Chrome application. Add a space and then the following words to the end of the text:


Step 3: Click Apply and then close down all instances of Chrome. If you are using Hangouts or Google Now for your desktop, you will need to close the icon in your system tray, too.

When you want to test out the Distill mode: Open Chrome from the shortcut you edited, then click the hamburger (three lines) icon in the top right-hand corner and choose Distill page.

The Distill feature is a little wonky in terms of how well it will reformat the page, but is a great option on sites that use flashing or video advertisements. What do you think?

(Via SlashGear)

Chrome for Android is the browser that keeps getting better by the day - from an initial sluggish resource hog, to the current lean browsing machine. It still very feature-rich, though, and hides a bunch of functionality under the hood that are tucked away in a hidden menu for the brave to experiment with.
One of these features is a so-called Reader mode. You know what similar read-friendly regimes do on other browsers, right? They reformat any desired web page into a mobile-friendly layout, and strip it down to basics like text and pics - no ads, rich media, and other distractions. Apple has it in the Safari browser, Samsung has it, and many other makers include reading modes that come with the stock browsers of their own Android overlays, but not Chrome.
How To Enable Reader Mode In Chrome For Mac

Or does it? Yep, Chrome for Android has a number of hidden features that can be accessed from the flags menu, and one of those is a Reader mode, which comes pretty close to what other third-party browsers are offering. Here is how to enable it:
1. Key in or copy and paste chrome://flags in Chrome's omnibox address bar and load the hidden options menu;
2. Google will rightfully warn you that tinkering here is only for those who know what they are doing and aren't afraid of a crash or several; tap on the three-dotted menu up right, and select the 'Find in page' option;
3. Type in 'reader,' and let Chrome find the toggle for you, as there are tons of extra features on that page;
4. From the drop-down menu, choose 'Always' to enable Reader mode, or you can choose that it fires up when web site 'Appears to be an article,' though that one is a bit hit-or-miss in our own experiments with the feature;
5. Tap 'relaunch now,' and one Chrome loads up again, you will encounter a bottom banner when you scroll on pages that lets you tap it and reload the site in a mobile-friendly view. The difference can be drastic, and the information junkie in you will certainly appreciate the clean, easy to scroll through new layout that results when you tap the Reader mode banner.

Chrome Reader mode


1.Mxyzptlk unregistered

'sluggish resource hog, to the current lean browsing machine' It's the former, not the latter. Chrome is still pretty bloated in my honest opinion.

posted on Aug 11, 2016, 8:54 AM 0


Posts: 1654; Member since: Oct 27, 2011

great tips! I also disabled 'pull-ti-refresh' feature. I found it annoying sometimes.

posted on Aug 11, 2016, 9:07 AM

posted on Aug 11, 2016, 9:08 AM

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