Free Docx Reader For Mac

Install Docx Reader Android in PC (Windows 7,8/10 or MAC)

In Business by Developer Gapp Studios
Last Updated:

BlueStacks is an Android App Player that allows you to run Android apps on PC. Following are the steps on how to install any app on PC with Bluestacks:

  • To begin, install BlueStacks in PC
  • Launch BlueStacks on PC
  • Once BlueStacks is launched, click My Apps button in the emulator
  • Search for: Docx Reader
  • You will see search result for Docx Reader app just install it
  • Login to your Google account to download apps from Google Play on Bluestacks
  • After login, installation process will start for Docx Reader depending on your internet connection.

Hints: If you are having LOADING issue with BlueStacks software simply install the Microsoft .net Framework software in your PC. Or comment below your problem.

Hint: You can also Download Docx Reader APK file and install it on Bluestacks Android emulator if you want to.

You can download Docx Reader APK downloadable file in your PC to install it on your PC Android emulator later.

Docx Reader APK file details:

Best Android EmulatorsBluestacks & Nox App Player
Operating SystemsWindows 7,8/10 or Mac
App DeveloperGapp Studios
App UpdatedMarch 06, 2019
APK Version10.1
Android Version Required for emulatorAndroid 2.3.2, Android 2.3.1, Android 2.3
APK File Size4.8 MB
File Namecom-gappstudio-docxread-docxreader-10-1_SOFTSTRIBE.apk

2. Install Docx Reader in PC with Nox

Follow the steps below:

  • Install nox app player in PC
  • It is Android emulator, after installing run Nox in PC, and login to Google account
  • Tab searcher and search for: Docx Reader
  • Install Docx Reader on your Nox emulator
  • Once installation completed, you will be able to play Docx Reader on your PC
Active8 years ago

Does anyone know where I can get a Word 2007 viewer for Mac OS X?

I don't want Open Office or TextEdit.

Tamara Wijsman
51k25 gold badges166 silver badges248 bronze badges
1,26815 gold badges33 silver badges61 bronze badges

6 Answers

Why not just use a free Word Processor like AbiWord or NeoOffice/Open Office, which can open Word files?

8,8542 gold badges28 silver badges26 bronze badges

If you just need to view documents, and not do much editing/creation - Google Documents works great, and is free, with no installation or downloads required.

1,9563 gold badges19 silver badges34 bronze badges

Microsoft Free Docx Reader

If you have a Hotmail account (or any email account attached to a Windows Live account), you can use the new Office Web Apps. They are surprsingly good and much better than the Google Docs apps, in my opinion.

19.6k9 gold badges60 silver badges103 bronze badges

In addition to the above listed options (OpenOffice is great, BTW):

  • iWorks will open these files, I believe. (not a free solution but your mac may have iWorks.)
  • Open XML File Format Converter for Mac will allow you to open in earlier versions of Office for Mac (not a free solution either, but you may have a copy of an older version)
  • Bean (free but some limitations) 2007 (.docx) support in Bean:

Bean uses Apple's file conversion services to open and save Word 2007 format files. Please note that due to the limitations of the file format converter, images are lost when opening a native Word 2007 format file in Bean and when saving a rich text document as a Word 2007 format file in Bean. Also lost are highlighting, tables, text lists and advanced paragraph formatting. Sorry, this is how Apple implemented it. The user will be warned of this when overwriting a Word 2007 format file not created by Bean, to prevent loss of information. Bean should not be considered a replacement for Word, or any other word processor designed for complex documents involving, for example, citations.

If you have VMWare fusion, Parallels, or some other virtualization technology and a windows image, you could install the free Windows Word 2007 Viewer.

You could also use these services :



You could use Open Office for Mac:(It is the free version of the Office software from Sun.)

Free download.

Free Docx Reader Download


TextEdit, bundled with Mac OS X, supports Office 2007 documents since Mac OS X Leopard.


protected by BinaryMisfitDec 21 '10 at 11:22

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