- Adobe Reader For Mac Os 10.7.5
- Adobe Reader For Mac Os 10.12
- Adobe Reader 11 For Mac
- Adobe Reader For Mac Os Sierra 10.12.4
Adobe Illustrator CS6 (installer error, if update from prior OS, make work after reinstall Java 6) Adobe InDesign CC (installs, but has some rendering issues when dragging objects) Adobe Photoshop CS5 (crashes on close). Now that macOS 10.12 Sierra is available from the Mac App Store, you’re probably wondering whether your Adobe software will work in the new Mac operating system. With every Mac system upgrade, information about compatibility is often not available on the first day the new system is available, and emerges over time. Adobe Reader software is the global standard for electronic document sharing. It is the only PDF file viewer that can open and interact with all PDF documents.
We've got two Macs that are both running 10.6.6. On my MBP, Adobe (Acrobat) Reader started behaving weird a few weeks ago. It became very sluggish, started missing mouse clicks or mouse button releases, scrolling was next to impossible. Most of the time it does not handle Page Up / Page Down events at all. Zooming works erratically if at all. It's basically unusable. On the other Mac (an iMac), there are no such problems. I've tried to remove and reinstall Adobe Reader as well as upgrading to the latest version, but unfortunately without success. This is the only software that is behaving strangely on this Mac, everything else is working fine. What else could I try?
vwegertvwegert2 Answers
Do you have RightZoom installed? Create an exclusion for Adobe Reader in RightZoom (Cmd+click RightZoom app).
I hope this solves your problem; I just solved this on my own system today.
(If you don't have RightZoom installed, open up a guest account and log into that and see if Reader is slow there. I assume it is some incompatibility between Reader and another app or setting hack.)
If you're set in your ways of using Adobe Reader, try using something like AppCleaner to completely remove it, and attempt a reinstall. If that doesn't help, and everything else works, Preview should do the job for you without missing much.
8BitsOfGeek8BitsOfGeekprotected by Community♦Jul 12 '11 at 22:37
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We've got two Macs that are both running 10.6.6. On my MBP, Adobe (Acrobat) Reader started behaving weird a few weeks ago. It became very sluggish, started missing mouse clicks or mouse button releases, scrolling was next to impossible. Most of the time it does not handle Page Up / Page Down events at all. Zooming works erratically if at all. It's basically unusable. On the other Mac (an iMac), there are no such problems. I've tried to remove and reinstall Adobe Reader as well as upgrading to the latest version, but unfortunately without success. This is the only software that is behaving strangely on this Mac, everything else is working fine. What else could I try?
vwegertvwegert2 Answers
Do you have RightZoom installed? Create an exclusion for Adobe Reader in RightZoom (Cmd+click RightZoom app).
I hope this solves your problem; I just solved this on my own system today.
(If you don't have RightZoom installed, open up a guest account and log into that and see if Reader is slow there. I assume it is some incompatibility between Reader and another app or setting hack.)
If you're set in your ways of using Adobe Reader, try using something like AppCleaner to completely remove it, and attempt a reinstall. If that doesn't help, and everything else works, Preview should do the job for you without missing much.
8BitsOfGeekAdobe Reader For Mac Os 10.7.5
8BitsOfGeekAdobe Reader For Mac Os 10.12
protected by Community♦Jul 12 '11 at 22:37
Adobe Reader 11 For Mac
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